Promote participation of persons with disabilities to ensure their Human Rights
A To Establish a European Non Governmental Organisation for the support of the Defenders of the Disabled People Human Rights, i.e.
"The Coalition"
  Planned Activities -1 2 Expected Output -2 3 Targeted Outcome -3 4 Impact -4
A1.1 Develop constitution and By law for new Non Governmental Organization to support defenders disabled people A1.2 Governance sub-committee established to draft Constitution and By law of organization A31 Effective governance implemented. A41 Members of Organization accountability strengthened.
A1. 2 Share with DPI-Europe members on constitution and By law A22 Constitution and by-law of new non governmental organizations ratification by DPI Europe members. A32 Effective constitution and by law prepared. A42 DPI-Europe strengthen in organizational structure.
A13 Collect membership A23 Prepared membership form and collected signature of member for new organization; A33 Organization potential members. A43 Persons with disabilities have a voice on their issues.
A14 Establish an office for organization in Paris A24 Hired an office in Paris. A34 DPI-Europe functioned in Paris, France A44 Increased of DPIŠEurope work & influence
A15 Legal Registration of the new ENGO under the French legislation A25 Organization officially registered in France A35 Organization functioned with legal organization framework. A45 Increased support to work from Government, Non Government and other institutions.
A16 Ensure qualified staff in disability issue for organization A26 Appointed qualified on disability staffs for organization A36 Staff equipped quality in disability field to undertake certain roles and responsibility. A46 Effective operations at office level.
A17 Ensure furniture and fixture: computer, phone, fax A27 Furniture and fixture and computer, telephone, fax purched and setting in the office. A37 Furniture and computer used in organizational activities. A47 Effective functions and networking office at DPI- Europe regional.
A18 Develop effective communications among DPI-Europe members network. A28 Different communication mechanisms identified, considered, decided and implemented. A38 Information disseminated and coordinated timely. A48 Better informed network to address issues as they arise.
A19 Develop organization communication strategy with donor agencies A29 Organizational communication strategy finalized A39 Organization comunicated to Government, European Commission, UN, NGOs. A49 Organization positioned to attract partners.
A20 Develop a formal action plan to build alliances with Human rights organizations and National Institutions on Human rights. A30 A detailed action plan developed and implemented A40 Human rights organizations emerging importance persons with disabilities issues. A50 DPI-Europe and its members better positioned to address issues in a timely manner.
B Understand, explain, implement and monitor the process of the CRPD implementation and
prepare parallel reports.
1 Planned Activities 2 Expected Output 3 Targeted Outcome 4 Impact
B11 Identify the capacity needs of the Member DPOs B21 Capacity needs of Disabled people organizations identified and developed strategy to support member organizations to meet their needs. B31 Initiated capacity building strategic of persons with disabilities and their organizations. B41 Persons with disabilities and their organizations strengthened to undertake human rights work.
B12 Design and Organize workshop on CRPD implementation and monitoring for Disabled people organizations (DPI-Europe) members. B22 Workshops designed and identified relevant areas on human rights. B32 DPI- Europe member organizations informed on impact of CRPD and human rights of persons with disabilities and their organizations influence signature, ratification, implementation and monitoring of CRPD B42 More supported Human Rights of persons with disabilities .
B13 Provide information on the status of CRPD process of members countries and participation of Disabled people organizations. B23 Status of implementation, monitoring, parallel reporting and involvement of disabled peopleÕs organizations in their country. B33 Increased knowledge of member organization involvement what needs to take initiate involvement of Disabled people organizations in the process. B43 Members better informed on areas where additional focus is required and diverse strategies to enhance their own participation domestically
B14 Develop a detailed guidelines for members on how to influence governments to support and appropriately implementation of the CRPD B24 Committee established to develop guidelines for members organizations . B34 Guidelines developed and shared with member organizations in European Region. B44 Member organizations better informed on how to engage with their governments to support and appropriately implement of areas.
B15 Support DPOs to prepare country parallel reports on the implementation of CRPD. B25 Parallel report template and guidelines developed for on-site train the trainer workshops and electronic distribution B35 Member organizations better prepared to develop shadow reports on CRPD at the same time their governments are called up to submit their progress reports   The voice of persons with disabilities positively impacts the work of treaty committees
B16 Support and coordinate the participation of the Member DPOs in conferences and meetings relative to the implementation of the CRPD in their country. B26 Member organizations participated in conferences and meetings panels, dialogues and contributed on their issue. B36 Members organizations informed by disability experts in meetings, conference on needs of persons with disabilities. B46 More effective implementation and monitoring of CRPD
B17 Participate in the European Institutions meetings on issues relevant to the rights of persons with disabilities. B27 Identified the meetings of European commission on disability issues during the period and participated the meetings. B37 Persons with disabilities voice raised in European commission meetings on their rights. B47 The rights of persons with disabilities better informed in European commission.
C Promote the Rights of the women with disabilities
1 Planned Activities 2 Expected Output 3 Targeted Outcome 4 Impact
C11 Support the development of the women with disabilities in DPI Europe and their National Forums in European Countries. C21 A women with disabilities committee established to focus on their issues. C31 Strategy developed to increase women with disabilities (WWDs) participation in DPI- Europe activities. C41 Better support continued on the human rights of women with disabilities European countries.
C12 Develop guideline to develop a national women with disabilities network. C22 A detailed guideline developed for DPI- Europe members to form National network of Women with disabilities (NN WWDs) C32 Women with disabilities involved in lobbying and advocacy activities and human rights activities. C42 Better support continued and mainstream womenÕs organizations on the rights of women with disabilities in European countries.
C13 Facilitate the participation of women with disabilities in conferences and meetings on the application of the CRPD in their country. C23 Women with disabilities participated in conferences and meetings panels, dialogues and contributed to Women with disabilities rights. C33 Developed leadership among women with disabilities and informed meetings and conferences on their issues. C43 More effective implementation and monitoring of CRPD on women with disabilities rights issues.
C14 Encourage the National Assemblies to highlight issues relative to women with disabilities. C24 The National Assemblies informed women with disabilities issues on priorities basis. C34 The National Assemblies approved women with disabilities issues in their plan. C44 The National Assemblies ensures rights issues of women with disabilities in their countries.
D Promote the Rights of persons with psychosocial difficulties.
1 Planned Activities 2 Expected Output 3 Targeted Outcome 4 Impact
D11 Support the development of National DPOs of persons with psychosocial difficulties. D21 Identified countries and provided detailed technical supports needs guideline to develop national representation of persons with psychosocial difficulties D31 Strategy developed to persons with psychosocial difficulties participation in DPI- Europe activities. D41 More support continued on the human rights of persons with psychosocial difficulties in European countries.
D12 Encourage the National Assemblies included issues relative to People with psychosocial difficulties D22 The National Assemblies informed to include People with psychosocial difficulties. D32 The National Assemblies approved issues People with psychosocial difficulties. D42 The National Assemblies ensures rights issues of People with psychosocial difficulties in their countries.
D13 Establish liaison with organisations of persons with psychosocial difficulties. D23 Partnership developed with organisations of persons with psychosocial difficulties. D33 Working strategy developed for the development psychosocial difficulties . D43 The issues of People with psychosocial difficulties are addressed to European countries.
E Promote the participation of persons with disabilities in Sciences Technologies
1 Planned Activities 2 Expected Output 3 Targeted Outcome 4 Impact
E11 Encourage participation of persons with disabilities in the Sciences & Technologies sectors E21 Strategy, workshops for persons with disabilities, identifications persons with disabilities expert in the Sciences & Technologies sectors. E31 Persons with disabilities expert identified to play a lead role in Sciences & Technologies sectors. E41 Persons with disabilities leadership better prepared to engage network in Sciences & Technologies sectors.
E12 Identify and disseminate information on Sciences & technologies to the DPI-Europe members organizations. E22 Identified and distributed information to member organizations on Sciences & technologies. E32 Persons with disabilities in European countries better informed on on Sciences & technologies issues. E42 More persons with disabilities better prepared to contribute in Sciences & technology issues in future.
E13 Design and Organize workshops on science and technologies E23 Workshops designed and identified relevant areas on science and technologies E33 DPI- Europe member organizations informed relevant areas on science and technologies which could be appropriate for persons with disabilities. E43 More influence of disabled people on the definition of priorities of the sciences and technologies researches and products.
E14 Develop a research on the participation of disabled people and  on the impact of the social representation of disability in the sciences & technologies development. E24 Strategies developed to conduct research. E34 Conducted a research on the participation of disabled people and on the impact of the social representation of disability in the sciences & technologies development. E44 More diversity included for persons with disabilities in sciences and technologies issues.
F Promote the Development of disabled people
1 Planned Activities 2 Expected Output 3 Targeted Outcome 4 Impact
F11 Develop communications with trade unions, institutions and social movement at the regional, national and local levels. F21 DPI- Europe sent recommendations, invited to meetings and consultations to key instructions in regional and national. F31 The voice of persons with disabilities heard on issues and activities that impact of those trade unions and social movement instructions. F41 Trade unions and social movement instructions informed on issues and emerging issues relevant to persons with disabilities.
F12 Develop working relationships with the trade unions and other relevant stakeholders. F22 Discussions on the employment of persons with disabilities initiated relevant stakeholders in regional and national. F32 Trade unions and other relevant stakeholders policy develop to increase employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. F42 Increased opportunities for employment for persons with disabilities
F13 Develop strategies to support DPOs to manage project in developing countries. F23 Strategies developed for supporting DPOs (Disabled People Organizations) in developing countries F33 Identified and implemented strategies to support DPOs in developing countries. F43 More DPOs supported by donor agencies in developing countries.
G Promote Inclusive education of persons with disabilities
1 Planned Activities 2 Expected Output 3 Targeted Outcome 4 Impact
G11 Develop a committee to address on inclusive education of persons with disabilities as elaborated in the CRPD G21 Committee established to focus on inclusive education of persons with disabilities. G31 Strategy developed to inclusion persons with disabilities in general education system in DPI- Europe activities G41 More focus by European countries on inclusive education of persons with disabilities in the Article 24 of the CRPD
G12 Encourage National Assemblies to develop educational provision to support the inclusion of persons with disabilities in education. G22 Informed national assemblies on promotion inclusive education provision of persons with disabilities to the National assemblies. G32 The National Assemblies approved inclusive education issue in their action plan. G42 The National Assemblies promote inclusive education for persons with disabilities in their countries.
G13 Collect best practices on supportive tools and programme of inclusive education G23 Identified best practices countries and programs on inclusive educations. G33 Information of best practices collected on inclusive education. G43 More support provided by national assemblies to inclusive education.
G14 Develop and organize an European congress on inclusive education G24 Strategies developed to organize an European congress on inclusive education G34 DPI-Europe organized an European congress on inclusive education G44 More persons with disabilities included in inclusive education system.

Promote accessible facilities of persons with disabilities
1 Planned Activities 2 Expected Output 3 Targeted Outcome 4 Impact
H11 Promote national assemblies and disabled people organizations on Universal design H21 Informed national assemblies on universal design G31 The National Assemblies approved universal design issue in their action plan. G41 More focus by European countries on universal design for persons with disabilities.
H12 Prepare and delivere to national assemblies information on Universal design  H22 Delivered to national assemblies information on Universal design H32 Stragey developed in using information on universal design H42 More effective universal design developed by European countries.
H13 Collect best practices on supportive tools and programme of universal design H23 Identified best practices countries and programs on universal design H33 Information of best practices collected on universal design H43 More support provided by national assemblies to universal design .