Disabled Peoples' International - Europe

DPI Europe

About DPI

Disabled Peoples International (DPI) is a Human rights organisation committed to the protectionof disabled people’s rights andthe promotion of their full andequal participation in society. Established in 1981, DPI is represented through active membership of national organisations ofdisabled people in over 130countries, including 29 in theEuropean region (DPI Europe). 

The Role of DPI in Europe today

DPI Europe

A network of active European citizens

DPI Europe is a coordinated network of 31 DPI National Assemblies from 31 European countries.…More

We condemns all militant actions and wars !

See the Statement

Standing with All Civilians

Call for an Immediate end to violence and support for civilians on the Middle-East

September 30th 2024

We, people with disabilities, are deeply saddened by the continuing violence and suffering in Lebanon today. The ongoing war, in retaliation for the 7 October massacre which was a devastating and senseless act of violence that has resulted in the loss of countless lives, has led to the displacement of thousands of civilians. 

As usual, civilians, including persons with disabilities, are the most vulnerable victims of this conflict. They do not deserve to be caught in the crossfire, and yet they are suffering the brunt of the violence. It is essential that all parties involved immediately and unconditionally cease fighting and prioritize the safety and well-being of civilians, especially persons with disabilities, women, and children.

We urge the international community to provide support and assistance to the civilian population, including persons with disabilities, and to work to rebuild and recover from this latest crisis. Throughout human history, the people of the Middle East have shown incredible resilience and determination in the face of adversity, and they deserve our support and assistance in their efforts to rebuild a better future for themselves and their communities.

We stand with civilians in their call for peace and stability, and we will continue to advocate for their rights and well-being. We support all civilians everywhere and an end to this latest crisis as soon as possible. There is no winner in such conflict and we must work together to bring it to an end. It is an indispensable hope for all those who are suffering, and it is the responsibility of all of us to offer them this hope.

® DPI-E 2024