Disabled Peoples' International - Europe

DPI Europe

Bioethics Issues

Many disabled people are only alive today because of scientific progress generally and new medical techniques in particular, so of course we wish to promoteand sustain such advances where these lead to benefits for everyone.But we don't want to see research directed at denying us the opportunity to be born and to be alive, but at improving the quality of our lives like for everybody.

In line with it’s position statement on Bioethics and Human Rights, DPI Europe recalls the demands of its members to assure that “the human rights of disabled people who are unable to consent are not violated through medical interventions.… »

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A new deal to meet the needs of all of us Speech to the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)Nice, France, September 23rd 2008

First, I would like to thank Mr. Merletfor this opportunity to speak to a world panel of researchers and engineer son robotics and technical aids at the occasion of the IROS 2008 Conference. I was invited here as Chairperson of the European Region of Disabled Peoples’ International - the international cross-disability human rights organisation of persons with disabilities - to express the point of view of persons with disabilities on this topic.

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Understanding Biomedicine Listening disabled people

The possibilities, risks, consequences, desirability and legitimating of biomedicine are widely discussed in science and in public.

The debate however has suffered because the perspective of people living with impairment is partly ignored or not taken seriously. …

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Doing research together: Different ways to identify human potentials and needs

Topics of the conference

What can medicine offer? Where are the research priorities? How are they defined? What do disabled people expect from medicine?

What does it mean to be disabled? Is it a status? …

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