Disabled Peoples' International - Europe

DPI Europe

General Assembly 2007

Towards applications at all level of the Convention Articles:

Priorities and responsibilities

28 & 29 September 2007, Zagreb, Croatia

Friday 28th September

Arrival of the DPI Europe National Assemblies Representatives.

Saturday 29th September, 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.

9h15: Opening:

  SOIH President


  Croatian Official

10h00: Round table N° 1:Role and priorities of Institutions:

   European Commission Representative.

   National representative (Croatian Ministry …).

   UN representative


11h00: Coffee break

11h30: Round Table N° 2: Role and priorities of the Civil society

  Human Rights NGO.

  Woman with a disability.

  DPI Representative.


12h00:Conclusions of the round tables

12h30: Lunch

14h00: Workshops opening: The UN Convention: What Use For All?


14h30 : Workshops

1. Workshop N°1: Lobby for the state ratification andIMPLEMENTATION.

2. Workshop N°2: Participation of disabled people to the monitoring process.

3. Workshop N°3: Application for everyone, whatever its abilities (Demanding human rights)

16h00:Coffe Break

16h30: Conclusions of the workshops

17h00: End of the Symposium

Sunday 30th September

Disabled Peoples’ International European Region General Assembly

9h00: Opening (SOIH)

9h15: DPI Europe Chair report.

9h30: Presentation: What is the role and the kind of coordination the DPO has and will have to put in practice in the UN Convention monitoring process?

10h00: Proposals and discussion for the creation of a European NGO For Application of the Human Rights For All.


10h45: Coffee break

11h15: Discussion for the creation of a European NGO For Application of the Human Rights For All (continuation)

13h30: Lunch

15h30: Disabled Peoples’ International discussion

17h00: Departures